Wrap Up In Noder Love: The Everything2 Afghan

Wrap Up In Noder Love

An E2 Craft Project and Fundraiser

In the summer of 2002 I posted the following call on the Everything2 site:

A project inspired by a brochure for the the "Warm Up America" project of the Craft Yarn Council of America, in which different people knit or crochet sections which are joined together to make afghans (that's a blanket, for those of you to whom an Afghan is a Central Asian or a dog) and donated to charitable organizations.

It occurred to me that that there are numerous knitters and crocheters on E2, and a blanket composed of our work would be really neat. It seemed like a blanket made by multiple noders would have more appeal than one just made by me, at least to a fellow noder who would care who any of us are. So then the final product could be auctioned off and the proceeds given to E2's operating funds, without the making of the afghan having drained the coffers of any of us crafters. After all, a square could be made with leftover yarn from previous projects (or could provide a reason to buy that single skein in the clearance bin that didn't seem like enough to do anything with).

The first one was a success, and then [yclept] suggested we do a second one, this time with a theme of having a "C!" stitched on each.The second afghan contained squares from gwenllian, shimmer, yclept, Melannen, metal rozsa, nocte, Chattering Magpie, and trybonun, plus the ones I've made myself; pictures are below. The raffle for it earned $310 (that's 62 tickets) And finally (15 January 2004) I got a couple of noders together (tregoweth, Sylvar, turtlebat and myself) and asked who wanted to actually do the drawing. turtlebat volunteered. I had already shaken up the bag of 62 pieces of folded lavender notepaper with names on them; she shook it some more, untied the handles and drew the name: Yonder!

Here are some pictures of the finished second afghan:

The makers of each square:
nocte (blue with pink lettering) Segnbora-t (striped with white lettering) Segnbora-t (black with yellow lettering) nocte (green with red lettering) metal rozsa (brown with pink lettering) shimmer (pink with blue/hot pink lettering)
Chattering Magpie (multicolored nine-box layout) Chattering Magpie (red with off-white lettering) yclept (blue/purple and gray) Melannen (yellow with pink lettering) yclept (brown and brown/white mix) Segnbora-t (striped with white lettering)
yclept (multicolor with black lettering) trybonun (green with light green lettering) Segnbora-t (off-white with lines and gray lettering) trybonun (light green with green lettering) Chattering Magpie (off-white with blue lettering) Segnbora-t (black and purple with orange lettering)
gwenllian (red with texture lettering) yclept (blue/gray with gray lettering) Segnbora-t (black with red lettering) Segnbora-t (gray with pink lettering) Segnbora-t (mix with black lettering) Segnbora-t (off-white with multicolor lettering)
nocte (yellow with black lettering) nocte (green with black lettering) nocte (purple with multicolored lettering) yclept (black and yellow) metal rozsa (brown mix with blue lettering) yclept (gray with white lettering)
Segnbora-t (pink with navy lettering) metal rozsa (brown mix with blue lettering) yclept (black with multicolor lettering) yclept (off-white mix with black lettering) nocte (yellow with blue lettering) yclept (brown and brown/white mix four-box)
Segnbora-t (green/white mix with textured lettering) yclept (black and off-white mix) Segnbora-t (off-white with Daffy Duck lettering) nocte (purple with black lettering) Melannen (red with textured lettering) Chattering Magpie (off-white/blues/greens nine-box)
yclept (off-white with gray lettering) Chattering Magpie (reds and purples) yclept (black and yellow) nocte (blue with pink lettering) shimmer (pinks with blue lettering) metal rozsa (gray mix with blue lettering)

And I added the dark red tassels on two sides.

Below are some pictures of all the squares I got in July (some before I had stitched a C! on top of the knitted square) and some individual squares that yclept made and scanned.

Squares for the Second Afghan

Image of the finished blanket from the first go-round, held by 
This is the first afghan made by noders; click on image for larger version.

The noders who eventually sent me squares were ailie, Bitca, Chattering Magpie, knifegirl, liontamer, Lometa, nocte, and shimmer, and I created some sections myself too. When the afghan was finished in December 2002, a raffle was held with the drawing at Anml4ixoye's Tampa gathering the weekend of January 11-12, 2003. The noder [Yonder] was drawn as the winner.

Who Made Which Squares (First Afghan)
ailie (blue) nocte (lavender, yellow) Segnbora-t (gray) Segnbora-t (green, white) nocte (reds, yellow, orange) ailie (off-white) Lometa (red) Segnbora-t (gray, white, blue)
Chattering Magpie (brown) nocte (blue, lavender) ailie (blue) Segnbora-t (white) Lometa (red) Chattering Magpie (blue, brown) Segnbora-t (blue) Bitca (purple)
ailie (blue) knifegirl (pink, white, blue) knifegirl (gray) Segnbora-t (green, white) shimmer (yellow, blue, red, orange) ailie (off-white) Lometa (red) Segnbora-t (gray, multi)
Chattering Magpie (brown, gray) nocte (blue, green, peach, white) Chattering Magpie (blue) nocte (blue, green, white) Lometa (red) Chattering Magpie (argyle pattern) Segnbora-t (blue) Segnbora-t (off-white)
Chattering Magpie (blue) nocte (pastels) Segnbora-t (gray) nocte (white) nocte (yellow, reds, orange) ailie (off-white) Segnbora-t (blue, red, pink, white) Segnbora-t (orange)
Chattering Magpie (brown, gray) nocte (blue, white, green) ailie (blue) Segnbora-t (blue, white) Lometa (red) ailie (red) liontamer (pink) nocte (peach)

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