This directory of Everything2 contributors is maintained by Segnbora (Suzanne M. Saunders) based on the former E2 node [Web Pages of Everythingians], now deleted at its creator tregoweth's request, and other Web addresses that have been included in nodes. Technically speaking, some of these users are no longer on E2, having chosen to leave or been locked out of their accounts due to misguided administrators of the site. I don't care; if they cared enough to write nodes for us, they belong on this list as long as I have a working URL.
If you want to be included or excluded, email me (or /msg me, Segnbora-t) with your Web site's address and I'll gladly add or subtract them.
If you're interested in even more information about Everythingian noders, don't forget to try out Pictures of Everythingians, which I maintain. You can also try the Everything2 Livejournal community.
This page is in no way endorsed or approved by Everything Development, L.L.C.,, but I don't think they object, either.
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