Segnbora's Resources & Bibliographies

Segnbora's Resources and Bibliographies

These pages list recommended books, Net resources, and music. Some are personal recommendation lists, others were done as library school projects and rely on published sources. I decided to put them up so that they could do someone else some good.

All book/record/movie links lead to; I am an associate of theirs. I get a small commission on any of these items bought by people coming from my site, but I made all the lists before signing up.

Child Abuse Resources for Children
A list of books and a few web sites for children. Covers both physical and sexual abuse. (School project)
Child Sexual Abuse
An encyclopedia-style essay on child sexual abuse, originally written for
Recommended Science Fiction
Science Fiction novels and and a few story collections published between 1975 and 1995, selected to update the collection of a hypothetical public library. (School project)
The Eccentric Reader's Advisory
My book review weblog; certainly the most-frequently updated thing on my site.
Damage Control
A personal list of the books I read and loved while growing up (and still mostly do).
Pictures of Everythingians and Web Pages of Everythingians
Listings of how to see faces or more-than-faces of the people of the Everything 2 database.
Wrap Up In Noder Love: An E2 Craft Project and Fundraiser
An afghan made to raise funds for my favorite site, Everything2.
usf.misc Home Page
A mirror of Vicki Andrews' copy, with the usf.misc FAQ and pictures of usf.misc lunches.
Joyful Noise
A personal list of the music I've loved throughout my life.
All The Albums I Own Part I (A-L) and Part II (M-Z)
A journey through the music I've bothered to keep through numerous moves and weedings.
Mood Mix Tapes
Ok, not a "resource," but a track listing of mix tapes I've made for certain moods. It goes with the above two music lists.
My Family Genealogy
Lots of info on my family -- you could be related!)
What Would [Blank] Do?
An alternative to "What Would Jesus Do?
Band Name Fodder
Lots of interesting possible names for rock bands.
Segnbora's Stitchery
Handmade stuff I'm trying to sell -- cross-stitch, needlepoint, knit, however I felt like creating with my hands.

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