Band Name Fodder
Most of these are "found English" -- heard on a TV show, seen on a package, found in Everything, and so forth. Jon and I started keeping a list, and others such as Ben Ostrowsky (especially with the list from the computer game "Popstar") and Sean Michael Shaffer contributed to it. Since I put tracking software on my site, I've even taken some of the phrases people have searched for and gotten to one of my pages. We've used a few of these as names for College Bowl teams, and we'd like to hear (at if anyone else finds any use for them. (If you recognize the source of any, then obviously you're just as big of a media junkie as me and my friends.)Surprisingly, at least thirty-nine of the ones on the older versions of this list turned out to have been already used by bands or as people's pseudonyms; this was discovered when I ran Google searches on these phrases (and in a few cases when a band member emailed me asking that their name be removed).
- $2 Bills
- 20 Bees For A Dollar
- 912
- 99 Red-Assed Baboons
- The Abberations
- Aborted Orange Fetus
- Accelerating Tweed Mailman
- Act of Bumping
- Adam Smith and the Invisible Band
- Adam Smith and the Invisible Hand
- Admiral Wolverine Lightningbolt
- Aerodynamic Vampires
- Agents of Erosion
- Aggressive Digestion
- Air Brains
- Airs and Graces
- Alan Death
- Alan and the Smithees
- The Alan Smithees
- Alcoholic Woodpecker
- All Finished
- All Involving Puppets
- All-Terrain Bed
- Allegorical Trumpets
- Aluminum Falcon
- Aluminum Monster
- Alumnivore
- The Amalgam
- Amalgamated Schmutz
- Ambitious Dandelion
- American Foulbrood
- American Hero
- The American Peephole
- The American People
- American Semen
- Amish Ferrets
- Amish Nipples
- Amoral Aroma
- Ampersand Castle
- Ampersandwich
- Amphibious Hummers
- Amphora Bukkake
- Analog Faucet
- Analog Memories
- Anals of Mars
- Angry Meatloaf
- Angry Penguins
- Angry Sperm
- Angry Tuba Gravy
- Angry Wusses
- Anonymonster
- Anonymous Black Jelly
- Anorak-Mount
- Another Rabbit
- Antarctic Salsa
- Antelope of Attitude
- Apocahiccup
- Apocalypse of Metal
- The Apparitions
- April Showers
- Arbor Dave
- Arbor Day Eve
- Arbor Daze
- Armored Muumuu
- Army of Ducks
- Aspiring Sex Deviants
- Ass Machine Juice
- Ass-Key
- Assholes with Woofers
- Assistant Buddha
- Asthmatic Pimps
- Astral Mercator Projection
- AstroTurd
- Atomic Tweezers
- Authentic Nazi Underpants
- Authorized Personnel
- Automatic Ash
- The Avocados
- Aware of My Tongue
- Baby Got Buttress
- The Badger Menace
- Bag of Beef
- Bag of Cow
- Baked Anthill
- Balderdash
- Ballpoint Penis
- Babpenis
- Bananas of the State
- Bangpath
- Banjogenesis
- The Banjologists
- Banjopolis
- Bareback Salad
- Bathing Apes
- Bathröm Tyle
- Beach Blanket Beano
- Beach Blanket Pinochle
- Beacon of Hop
- The Beagles
- Beaker's Hairgel
- Beanbag Pipes
- Bearded Rainbows
- Beef Ą La Mode
- Beef Parade
- Belch Fuel
- Belching Kitten
- Belladonnic Haze
- Believe It Or Snot
- The Belting Pot
- Better Than Cats
- Between Two Stools
- Bibbidi-Bobbidi-Booty Call
- Biblehumpers
- The Biblical Sense
- Big Floppy Donkey Dick
- Big Red Noses
- Billion-Dollar Bill
- The Bingo Cage
- Bipedal Bovine
- Bipolar Cow
- The Bipolar Molars
- Bit Shifted Copy
- The Bitch Component
- B.J. and the Bearclaws
- Black Arbor Day
- The Black Pots
- Black Witches
- Blank Tombstones
- Bleached Badge
- Blind Muslim Clerics
- Blouse-Wearing Poodle Walkers
- The Blue Tartan Bondage Suits
- Blueberry Funk
- Blueberry Muffler
- Boar's Head Goop
- Bob
- Böb
- Bob's Your Aunt
- Body Cavity Creeps
- The Boogersnöts
- Box of Eyes
- Box of Nipples
- The Boss
- Bottle of Anything
- Bowel Shift
- B.Q. or Plain?
- Brain Surgery for Dummies
- Brains Throbbing
- Bran Muffler
- Brer Rabbit Ears
- Broken Brushes
- Bubblesort Baby
- Bug Eyed Bears
- Bukkake-Doodle-Doo
- Bukkakophony
- Bulimic Feline
- Bullet Squirrel
- The Bulleted Lists
- Burned Out Bulbs
- The Burns-Os
- Butt Portion Ham
- Buttflap
- The Buttonholes
- The Buttsex
- Buttress Depot
- Caffeinated Vampire
- Caligula's Fist
- Calum the Dog
- Camembert
- Canadian Toast
- Canned Bread
- Canned Pussy
- Cannonball Enema
- Canteloupe Coke
- Cantilever Omnibus
- The Caplets
- Caramelmac
- Carbonated Burlap Gentleman
- Carbonated Sandwich
- Cardiac Event Planner
- Cargo Shorts Cult
- Carnivorous Baby Rabbit
- Carousel Cow
- Cartoon Brain Surgery
- The Cask of Armadillos
- Castrating Kitty
- The Cat Lasers
- Cat Sack Seize
- The Catalogues
- Cathy Romantic
- Cervix Elevator
- Chainlink Sausage
- The Chaperones
- Chard
- Charmed Genitals
- Chat Room Honeys
- Cheap Crap Acquisition
- Cheap Pen Death Spiral
- Cheerful Desolation
- Cheese-Based Beverage
- Cheese-Eating Surrender Monkeys
- Chicken and the Fingers
- Chicken of Science
- Chicken or Steak
- Chinese Borscht
- Chloroformica
- Christtöngue
- Chocolate Lingerie
- Chocolate Sauce and the Sprinkles
- Chopped Liver
- Chopped Nuts
- Cigarette Buttheads
- Cinnamon Burp
- Cinnamon Dorothy
- City Slacker
- Cletus and the Slack-Jawed Yokels
- Clitoral Dancer
- Climate Control
- Clouds Don't Care
- Clown Collage
- Clown College
- The Cockroaches
- Cog
- Comfortador
- The Communists
- Concrete Spaceship
- Condom In Your Ear
- Conscious Moose
- Contraceptive Marmalade
- Cookie Death
- Cooties of Mass Destruction
- Core Incompetency
- Corps of Concrete
- Counterfeit Food
- Cow Pants
- Cow Shrapnel
- Cowboy Monkey
- Cowpoking
- Crab People
- Cracker Quartet
- Cracklin' Goat Brain
- Cretunkulous
- Cricket Paté
- Crotchulism
- Crotch Botulism
- Crucible of Crazy
- Crucifixion
- Cum-Guzzling Fuckholes
- Cupcake Reacharound
- The Cupholders
- Cute Invertebrates
- Cyborg Duck
- Cylons from Ceylon
- Da Vinci's Codpiece
- Damn Hell Ass Kings
- Damn Hiccups
- The Dancing Mammy
- Dandridge Custis
- Dangerous Pants
- Dark Arbor Day
- Darn My Butter
- Day-Glo Faygo
- Deadly Phlegm
- Deaf Zeppelin
- Death By Pants
- Death Star Pinata
- Decapitating Harry
- Dee Cup and the Falsies
- Deep-Fried Robot
- Default Cabbage
- Defensive Twinkie
- The Deformities
- Delicious Human Filth
- Demidog
- Dental Telepathy
- Depilatory-Industrial Complex
- Depresso
- Detective Sandy Vagina
- Diacritical Success
- Diamond Scrunchie
- Diaphanous Pumpkins
- Dichotic Gender Paradigm
- Dickety-Six
- Die Bart Die
- Diet Goofballs
- Diet Lard
- Digestive Fun House
- Digital Porn Puppets
- Dihydrogen Monoxide
- Diluted Water
- Dimple Gun
- Dinner Plate Tectonics
- Dirigibles del Diablo
- Diseased Crotches
- Disembodied Cow
- The Disfigured Eights
- The Disorder
- Disposable Refills
- Dog and Underdog
- Domestic Dick
- Don Motherfucker
- The Doodie-Heads
- Dorkbag!
- Double Dicker
- Doublemeat Medley
- Doughnut Math
- Dr. Beetlestein
- Dr. Green Pepper
- The Dragon Gods
- Drama Llama
- Drilling For Cervix
- Drugrats
- Dubious Laxative
- Duck of Appropriate Sex
- Duck-Billed Monkeys
- Dumb Like A Moose
- Duncan's Nun's Farts
- Dyspeptic Mayonnaise
- Dystopia Glasses
- E2 Bugs
- Earthworm Jim Jones
- Edgar Allan D'oh
- Eel & the Pies
- The Effigists
- Eggolocation
- Elbow Joint Macaroni
- Electric Igloo
- Electric Tongue
- Electrified Farm
- Elegantly Dressed Hymens
- Elephant Power
- Elucidation for the Moron
- Embryonic Belches
- Emir of Groovefunkistan
- Emission Commission
- Enlarged to Show Texture
- Entertaining Pants
- The Eponymous Albums
- Eraser Dust
- Estomac
- Ether Perfume
- The Ethnic Beat
- Evan and the Elven Eleven
- Evenin' Britches
- Everybody Knows Beef
- Everything
- Everything New Nodes
- Evil Crayons
- Evil Jesus
- Evil Lite
- Evil Peanut Butter
- Evil Souffle
- Evolution
- Exemplars of Insanity
- The Exploded Diagrams
- Exploding Cows
- Exploding White Teenager Market
- Exploding White Teenagers
- Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds
- Faceted Plastic
- Factotum Pole
- Failure Is An Option
- Faithless Philistine
- False Scent
- Family Gredunza
- Fanky Malloon
- Fannie Mae and the Full Faith and Credit of the U.S. Government
- Farfalle Vendetta
- Fast Foo
- Fat Apron
- Fat Elvis Syndrome
- The Fat Mamas
- Father Time
- Fearsome Genitals
- Feathery Professor Moments
- Felching Penguins
- Fellatio Merit Badge
- The Felting Pot
- Female Chauvinist Sows
- Feral Ballerinas
- Feral Poodles
- Fervent Nipples
- The Fighting Mongooses
- The Fish Dish
- Fish Elevator
- Fizzy Piss
- Flaming Goose
- Flashing Colons
- Flat Liquid
- Flavored Evil
- Flight Stimulator
- Fluffers of Liberty
- The Fluffy Pink
- Fluid Body Veil
- Flux Capacitor
- Flying Armadillos
- The Flying Buttresses
- Folding Machine
- The Fondue Experience
- Fondue Spear
- The Food Pyramids
- Food Stupids
- Foolish Hu-Mon!
- Forbidden Doughnut
- Forbidden Planetarium
- Forced Spontaneity
- The Foreheads
- Forkless
- Four-Foot Raccoon
- Fowl Movement
- Franchising Opportunities
- Francis Bacon Bits
- Frankensteinium
- Franklin Mint and the Limited Time Offers
- Free CD-ROM
- Free-Range Escargot
- Fred Hammers
- Free Refills
- Freefloating Chicken
- Freelance Nudist
- French Pickler
- Frequent Weasel
- Freunlaven
- Fricasseein' Rabbit
- Fries With That
- A Frock from Spiegel
- Frog Jockeys
- Frolicking Dirt-Child
- Fronswa
- Frozen Deodorant
- Frozen Mud Blizzard
- The Frozen Odors
- Fruit Miscegenation
- Fuck Pat´
- Fuck The Amish
- Fuck 3:16
- Fueled by Satan
- The Fugly Ducklings
- Fun In A Tube
- Fun With Letter Transposition
- Functional Corrosion
- Funeral Fudge
- Fur Lined Handcuffs
- Fuschia Julius
- Fustigator
- Gabrielle Gas
- Gangsta Missionariez
- The Gangsta Mizpellin'z
- Garanimal Magnetism
- Gas Wonderland
- Gaseous Kitten
- Gastro-Intellectuals
- Gearloose
- Geek Love Queens
- Gelatin Commission
- The Gelatinous Cubes
- Genius of Idiocy
- The Gentle Sea Cows
- The Giant Panda
- Girl and Supergirl
- Glasgow Gentry
- Glass Juice
- Glaven
- Glistening Snot
- God Smokes Crack
- God's Digestion
- God's Motel
- God's Peristalsis
- Gollum and the Pocketses
- Gravy Maker Extraordinaire
- Great Bowel Shift
- The Greenflies
- Groin
- Groundbeef Day
- Groundhog Week
- Guacamoličre
- Guilt Rack
- A Gulp of Warm Soda
- Gustave Oberklin and the Canadian Inbred Amish (abbreviated Gus & the CIA)
- Ha Ha Fortune Cookie
- Haggis Guano
- Ham Packages
- Hamlet Brothers
- Hamstravaganza
- The Hand of Yoinkage
- Haploid
- Happy Funk Band
- Harnessing the Earthworm
- Harry Carey and the Kamikaze Pilots
- Hashy Bangy Poundy
- Headholes
- Headless Chickens
- The Headless Horseman's Horseless Carriage
- Hčgemon˙
- Heinz and the Splirts
- Helium Honkers
- Hell-A-Thon
- Hello Pussy
- Hell's Snowballs
- Herb & the Gang
- High-Performance Chicken
- Hilarity Ensues
- Hill William
- Hillbillery
- Hitachi Magic Wand
- Hitler's Harmonica
- Hmpf of Wonderment
- Hobo Filibuster
- Hobo Rave
- Hog-Tied Librarian
- Holes of Glory
- Homercles
- Honey Wagon
- Honey Whip
- Hook & Larder
- Hopless
- Hose Boss
- Hot Bananas Thrust
- Hot Latin Prawns
- Hot Surface
- Hotel Calisthenics
- House of Meats
- Howlin' Dogs
- Howling Gale
- Human Fetish
- Husband, Wife and Robot
- Husky Lingerie
- The Hydraulic Lifts
- Hyperbowl
- The Hypermonkeys
- Hypnotic Donkey
- Hypnotic Pimple
- The Hypnotists
- Hypothetical
- I Am Jane's Uvula
- (I Wanna) Eat My Yogurt
- IHOPi Indians
- I'll Be Back
- Illiterate Alliteration
- Illuminutty
- I'm A Genius
- Injury By Chocolate
- Imitation Macaroni Product
- Implied Wang
- Imported Toast
- In The Altogether
- In Their Own Ink
- The Inactive Ingredients
- Inanimate Carbon Rod
- Independent Vegetable Suspension
- Indignant Cats
- Industrial-Strength Pants
- Infidel Chocolate
- Infinite Pork Gristle
- Infinitesimal Evil
- Inflatable Assholes
- Information Elves
- Ingenious Penis
- Ingrown Nose Hair
- The Ink Sticks
- Inner Demons
- Insufferable Opinion Machine
- Intelligent Ice
- Intercourse the Penguin!
- International Pornographic
- Interstitial Heaven
- Invertebrate Dildos
- Invisible Hand Job
- Irrefutable 100 Proof
- Irregular Duck
- Italian Taco
- Izmir the Astarach
- Jack-Off Valenti
- Japanese Ravioli
- Jar of Sex
- Jar Suicide
- Jed Zeppelin
- Jello Parmesan
- Jerry Sizzler
- JesusAllahBuddha
- Jesus Crüst
- Jesus H. Fuck
- Jinxie McDeath
- Jittery Springs
- Joints A-Poppin'
- Just Like Mother Used To Fake
- Just Like Mother Used To Synthesize
- Katrina and the Particles
- Kermit the Log
- Ketchüp
- Kids Eat Free
- The Killer Kiwis
- Killer Pillows
- Killer Umbrellas
- King Zoidberg
- The Kind of People Who Think It's Cute to Name a Band 'Jesus H. Fuck'
- Kink Floyd
- Kiss of Ham
- Kissing Dutch Kids
- Kittens Having Kittens
- Klein Giraffe
- Knee Macaroni
- Knifey Spooney
- Knights in White Cotton
- Knights in White Satan
- Korn Syrupp
- Kosher Bacon Cheeseburger
- Kreplach and the Kugels
- Krystal Kangaroo
- Kudzu Elephants
- Laboratory Stroking Machine
- Lady Chatroom's Lover
- Laika Virgin
- Land Cow
- Larcenous Penguins
- Lard, Larder, Lardest
- Lardcore
- Larder
- Large Print Edition
- Law Mower
- Law of the Tongue
- Layer Shake
- Le Poupée
- Lean, Muscular Children of Mars
- Left Foot Brown
- Left-Handed Moths
- Left-Handed Mouse Balls
- Left-Handed Smear
- Leica Virgin
- Leif and the Leitmotifs
- Lemon Curd
- Lemon Curry
- Lemony-Fresh Victory
- Lens Flare Nipples
- Lesbian Conspiracy
- Lesbian Monkeys' Soy
- Levitating Cat Butt
- Lex Looter
- Liberty Belch
- Lichtensteinium
- Limbless Lumberjack
- Limon Fuertes
- Liquid Kitten
- Little Red Nuisance
- Live Nude Lesbians!
- Load-Bearing Turtles
- Lone Penguin
- Loose Gravel
- Lord Autumnbottom
- Lou Ferrigno's Ferret
- Love Polygon
- Loving Ape
- L.S.D.& G.
- Lunch Gun
- Macaque Attack
- MARC and the Dewey Decimals
- Macho Cheese
- Macho Man
- Magic Ass
- The Magic of Sex
- Magnet Addict
- Mahatma Bambi
- Maimed Sparrow
- Make Money Fats
- Malignant
- Man and Pianoman
- The Manatee Pokers
- ManBoobs
- Mansi in Solitudine
- The MAO Inhibitors
- Market and Supermarket
- Marlboro Man and the Hacking Cough
- Masochist Savant
- The Masters of Ceremonies
- Masturbating Robot
- Masturbators of Ceremonies
- Masturbatory-Industrial Complex
- Mathematically Perfect Sombrero
- Mayhem
- Meat Zephyr
- The Meatloafers
- The Meatloaves
- Meatslappery
- Meditating Monkey
- Megalomaniac
- The Melting Clot
- The Melting Pit
- The Melting Plot
- Mental Buddahs
- Mental Sphere
- Metaphor Intestines
- Metaphorical Stick
- Mexican Pizza
- Mia Furrow
- Michael Jackson's Original Nose
- Michaelobotomy
- Military-Industrial Music
- Ming Joggers
- Mighty Duckie Snacks
- Migraine Elevators
- Militant Spelt
- Miscellaneous Dicks
- Miserable Elbows
- The Mission Specialists
- The Misspellings
- Mistletoe Belt Buckle
- The Mock Apples
- Moebius Giraffe
- Mojo Fondue Style
- Mole Mashers
- Mom Cake Maple
- Monkey Justice
- Monkey-Go-Round
- Monkey Drummer
- Monochrome Flamingo
- Monosodium Poisonate
- Monosyllabic
- Monsieur Piedlourde
- Moral Allergy
- Moral Death
- More Band Names
- Mormon Chip Hell
- Mother Flucker's Homemade Innuendo
- Mrs. Slocombe's Pussy
- Mucosa
- Mucus Fantasies
- Mucus Mask
- The Mudflap Girls
- The Mudflaps
- Muffin Geologist
- Munificent Benefactory
- Music for Goys
- Mutated Consonants
- Mutiny of Puppets
- My Favorite Roboticist
- My Filthy Evil
- My Guardian Angle
- My Three Guns
- My Three Huns
- My Three Nuts
- N
- Namespace Collision
- Nasal Fixation
- National Endowment for Strip Clubs
- National Guitar Association
- National Inventors Month
- Natural Lard Flavor
- Naugahyde and Go Seek
- Nearsucker
- Nerf Peacekeeper
- New Nouveau Nuevo
- The New Shotputters
- Nigh-Invulnerable
- Nimrod Dancer
- Nipplebox
- No End To The Lawsuits
- No Whammies!
- No Whammy!
- Nonsequential Bills
- Not For Publication
- Not My Bailiwick
- Not Quite Dead
- Not Valid With Any Offer
- Noun of Biscuits
- Nuclear Family Feud
- Nuclear Family Reunion
- Nude Elves
- Obsessive Listkeepers
- The Obvious Puns
- Occupied Caskets
- Octovagina
- Off The Chartres
- Oil of Lucy
- Old Syrup Sam
- On Her Majesty's Secret Cervix
- One-Wheeled Haystack
- Onion On My Belt
- Opera Dogs
- The Opposable Thumbs
- Orally Disintegrating Tablets
- The Orifices
- The Oscillating Fan
- The Oscillating Fanboys
- Osmosis Jones' Diary
- Otto Insurance
- Our Monkey Cousins
- Outer Demons
- Oxymoronic Palindromes
- Pachydermic Cyclone
- A Pair of Pants
- A Pair of Scissors
- Palindromedary
- Pandapocalypse
- Pant Fetish
- PantaLoonzTM
- The Pants
- Pantophobiaphilia
- Pants Machine
- The Pants of Mortos
- Pants Filled with Elves
- Pantsophilia
- Pantsplosion
- (The Parentheses)
- The Party Martyrs
- Paté
- Paul Bunion
- Pavlov's Bell
- Pawnshop Rolex
- Pecker
- Peeling Congealing Ceiling Feeling
- The Pelting Mot
- Penalty for Early Withdrawal
- Penguin Ranch
- Penguins of Mass Destruction
- Peppermint Hippo
- Perdition Army
- Peristalsis Jones
- Perpetual Orgy of Happiness (aka POOH)
- Personal Demons
- Personified Penis
- Pervis and the Perverts
- Pervy Humans
- Pet Truffle
- Phallic Architecture
- Pharmaceutical Christianity
- Phlaming Phallus
- Photobuggery
- Pickle Blimp
- Pico de Gallo and the Lobster Bib
- Pie
- Piffle
- Pigs and Bacon Act
- Pillow of Gibraltar
- The Pimply Pimps
- Pineapple Dynasty
- Pineapple Upside-Down Cock
- Pineapple Upside-Down Shake
- Pinhead Freaks
- Pink Secrets
- Pinky and the Brainfarts
- The Pirate Monkeys
- Pissing Racehorses
- Pixelated Pirates
- Pixelated Poontang
- Pizza Gnomes
- Plagued by Plagues
- Plaid Weasels
- Plasma Kitten
- Play With My Fork
- Plumber of the Beast
- Plume De Ma Tante
- Plutonium Dildo
- Pocket Fickerman
- Poison Pizza
- Polly Wolly Crappy
- Polly Wolly Google
- Polyphonic Garment Rendition
- Poo In A Box
- Poonraker
- Porcupine Pizza
- Pork Cycle
- Pork For Dummies
- Pork Torque
- Portable Soup
- Portrait Landscape
- Pourable Mustard
- Powder Bukkake
- Power for Dying
- Pragmatic Adjustable Bed
- The Pregnant Pauses
- Prehistoric Banker
- Presidents of the Sedated
- Professional Titties
- The Proper Authorities
- Protective Slime
- Protozoa
- Prune Juice
- Praying to Superman
- Pre-Postmodernism
- The Prehensile Tails
- The Presidential Pus
- Pressurized Nostril
- Prestigious Non-Accredited Colleges
- Problematic Fruit
- (Pronoun) (Adjective) (Noun)
Prosthetic Tentacle - Pseudo Eh-Oh!
- Psychic Damage
- Psychosomatic Mucus
- Psychosomatic Snot
- Puba Chair
- Pupate
- Puberty Hoedown
- Puddleduck
- Puke Fairies
- Pug-Fugly
- Puny Humans
- Purple with Enjoyment
- Purple Wombat Fungus
- Pus Dragons
- The Pus Is Right
- Pussy Factory
- Pwnshop
- Quasi Pseudo
- Rabbit With An Afro
- Rabid Plot Bunnies
- Radical Laxative Awesomeness
- Radish Ninja
- Rainy Cake
- Raisin Juice Concentrate
- Random Korean Bear
- Ramen Poodles
- Ransom Note
- Rational Rose
- Re: FreeFills
- Real Canadian Pussy Syrup
- Rebellious Broom
- Reconstituted Mucus
- Reds in the Bed
- The Reduplicatives
- Refrigerated Snot
- Refrigerated Snot Transfusion
- Refunct
- Regular Duck
- Reign of Condescension
- Relatively Gruntled
- Release The Hounds
- Respectable Cantaloupe
- Restaurants with Crayons
- Restless Chromosomes
- Reverse Peristalsis
- The Rhetorical Devices
- The Ridiculous Noise
- Riot Act 1, Scene 1
- Rising Tide of Sensuousness
- Robot Chickens
- Robot Chubby
- Robotsylvania
- Rocket-Powered Twinkie
- A Room With A Moose
- Roosevelt's Stick
- Rotating Strawberry Madonna
- Roto-Looter
- Royal Ugly Dudes
- The Royal Y'All
- The Royal You Guys
- Rubber Dickie
- Rubber Mulch
- Rubberized Breasts
- Running Gag Reflex
- Ruptured Hymen
- Sacks of Money
- Sadie the Goat
- Safe Obliteration
- Sammich in My Head
- Sans Seraphim
- Satanic Ceramicists
- Satanpants
- Satan's Barbershop Quartet
- Satan's Chewtoy
- Satan's Syncopation
- Satan's Elves
- The Satire Satyrs
- Scatalog
- Schroedinger's Neurosis
- Schwartzchild Radius
- The Scissors
- Scouts Gone Wrong
- Screaming Sex Poets
- Secretart
- The Semblance of Couth
- Semi-Sweet Cornstarch
- Senator Prevert
- Sentimental Centipedes
- Serious Artists
- Seriously Ridiculous Noise
- Servants of Ceremonies
- Servile Duckie
- The Seven Chakras
- Sexier Than Phlegm
- Shakespeare's Bacon
- Shakespearmint
- The Shameless Puns
- Sheriff Bolo
- Sheriff Lobo
- The Shit-Loving Coprophiliacs
- The Shoe Bachs
- Short, Blind and Crippled
- Short-Term Mammary
- Show Us Your Guns!
- Silence of the Lamps
- Silicone Sausage
- Silk Nylons
- The Silk Ties
- Silly Love Tongs
- The Silly Warts
- Silver Honkies
- Simple Country Hyperchicken
- The Sinking Organists
- Sir Not-Appearing-In-This-Film
- Skull Cookie
- Skinless
- Slab of Bossiness
- Slaughterhouseboat
- Sleeping Briefcase
- Slicked Up Slacker
- Slightly Red
- Slim-Fast Riot
- Small Electric Kettles with a Hitherto Undiscovered Propensity for Self-Powered Flight
- The Smelting Pot
- Smoker's Cough
- Smoky
- The Snack Men
- Snail Message
- Snoring Ernie
- Snot and the Tissues
- Snot Fountain
- Snuggle Chloroform
- Sodium Benzoate
- Sofia Le Legs
- Solid Bunny
- Solid Kitten
- Sombrerohedron
- Someone or Something
- Something Something and the Incompetent Punsters
- Sounds A Bit Rude
- South of Kudzu
- Soy Division
- Spästic Colöon
- Spayola
- Specimen Cup
- The Spit-Takes
- Split Beaver Pie
- Spoonthrower
- Spork and the Tines
- Sporkle Sporkle
- Sporkless
- Sports Drink
- The Squelching Pot
- Squirrel In My Pants
- Squir-El of Krypton
- St. Ursula and the Eleven Thousand Virgins
- Stamp-Lickin' Whores
- Standing Outside a Broken Taco Bell Booth With Chalupas In My Hand
- Stentorian Shatner
- Stet and the Typoes
- Sticki
- Sticky Tables
- Sticky Wicket
- The Stigmata Tomatoes
- Stoned Sunflower
- Stop! Or My Mom Will Sue!
- Strained Whimsy
- Strange Hogs
- Strawberry Poptart Blowtorch
- Stuffed Duck Explosion
- Stunning Profundity
- Stupid Stupid
- Stupid Tongue
- Sublime Sound
- Suffering Cookies
- Suicidal Tomatoes
- Superstitious Pigs
- Supertaster
- Supreme Food Court
- Surrounded by Elephants
- The Swearing Nun
- Sweatshop Daycare
- Sweaty Sam
- Swede Suede Swayed
- Sweet Flames of Awesomeness
- Swiss Army Dildo
- Swiss Army Spork
- Symphonic Kazoo
- Synthetic Floss
- Syrupy
- Table for Eighty
- Tacular
- Tantamount
- 'Tardcore
- Tastes Like Chicken Little
- The Teeming Millions
- Temple of Gloom
- Terminal Clones
- Tesseracts of God
- Thank You, Come Again
- That Doesn't Help
- Theobroma Cacao
- Thee
- These Those (a The The cover band)
- Thing de Resistance
- Things of Love
- Thinking Inside The Box
- Thinking Pants
- Three-Layer Urinal Cakes
- Third-Generation Armenian Pimps
- Thrown to the Badgers
- Thou
- Tight Phlegm
- Tissu´ and the Snots
- Tit-Faggots
- Titanium Screws
- Titty Bar
- Tomato Toothpaste
- The Tomatoes
- Tongue Doctor
- The Tongues
- Tons O' Snot
- Too Clever By Half
- Too Clever For Words
- Too Many States
- Too Many Speedbumps
- The Topic Sentences
- Tornado of Fish
- Tortoise Nervosa
- Toscanini Dacron and the Space Monkey Mafia
- Tracey Trigger
- Tragically Small Weiner
- Transcendental Masturbation
- Transparent Heads
- Traveling Pinata
- Traveling Poetry Bag
- The Treetotalers
- A Trio of Scissors
- Trivial Music
- Trojan Moose
- Truckload of Monkeys
- Truth, Justice, and Yogurt
- Tuna HotDish
- Tuna Melt
- Tundra Butter
- Turquoise Tangerine
- Tweedledee & Tweedlefuck
- Twinkie Offense
- Twilight of the Condiments
- The Ugly Men
- The Ümlauts
- Un-Blowuppable
- Under the Table
- Underfrog
- Undergroundbeef
- The Underpants
- Underwater Monkey
- Undigested Sewage
- Unequal Yokefellows
- Unexpected Fuck
- Unexplained Monkey
- Unfortunate Shrubbery
- The Unguents
- Unholy Fruit Basket
- Unholy Monkey Army
- Unnatural Orifice
- Unisex Penguins
- Upside-Down Pie
- Upside-Down Sundae
- The Urine Monkeys
- Urine Sample
- Used Mantis
- Used Pornography
- Vegan Zombies
- The Vegetarian Bagpipes
- Velcro Wormhole Handle
- Velvet Pelvis
- Vibrating Brain
- Viceroy Fizzlebottom
- The Village Smithys
- Violence Gang
- Violent Ballerina
- Violently Cute
- Violin Hippo Mop
- Virginia Dentata
- VisiGoth
- Vodka Saltine
- Vowel Movement
- Wall-Mounted Yogurt
- Walt's Brain
- The Walter Winchell Brigade
- Waltzquack
- Wanton Chicken
- Watching Pain Dry
- Watching Taint Dry
- Waterproof Rabbit
- Wendolyn and the Techno Trousers
- Wens and Hypertrophied Members
- A Whale
- Whatchamacarcass
- Whiff of Shit
- Whimsical Bras
- Whimsical Panties
- Whooping Cacoughany
- Wild Card and the Search Results
- Wild Muffins
- Wimp & the Men
- Witena Gemot
- Writes Like a Girl
- Wyatt Earp and the Usurpers
- Wyld Muffyns
- The X-Menses
- X-Rated Toast
- Xtra Tentacles!
- Yak Yak Yak
- Yodeling Robots
- You
- You Meddling Kids
- You've Got Hail
- You've Got Jail
- Your Sin Here
- Your Vinyl Answer
We're not the only ones with this idea. For more hypothetical band names, check out these sites (though some of their hosts have really annoying pop-ups):
- Zip-A-Dee-Loofah
- Twenty-First Century Band Names (inspired by this page -- so of course I'll list it first!)
- Dave Barry's Good Band Name list
- Good Band Name Archive
- The Swarming Midget Band Name Archive
- Llorenz Band Names Archive
- Schabe's Band Name Archive
- Haley's Future Band Names
- Andrew's Band Names
- The Stupid Band Name List
- The DeadJudy Band Name List
- Available Band Names
- Band Names
- Warped Bandwidth
- The Incredible Band Names Page
- GWB Bandnames
- Ten Thousand Statistically Grammar-Average Fake Band Names
- Interesting Names for Fantasy Rock Bands
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