The last day of ALERT was today. It was fun. We had an egg-throw. I ended up being partners with Willie.
Also we did a Trust Walk. I was paired up with Lisa Turner. What we did was one person took their partners elbow and closed their eyes and their partners led them around. We got to "take pictures," that is, at three different times our partners would tell us to blink. We would blink, and our picture was what we saw when we blinked.
Secret Assignments was another thing we did. We got a card with a category written on it. I got "Things that are rough." We had about 15 minutes to pick up things that fit in her categories. Then we tried to guess each other's. Stephanie Stephenson guessed mine.
We did skits, too. Our was about piano lessons (Margaret's). Sarah Lefton was the piano teacher.
At the end of the day (I forgot to put down that all of this was at Sesqui. We had to walk to get there and back) we got a candy bar, some of Margaret's candy, a balloon, and a Burger King pencil.
Everyone in the class got an award, 1 or 2 people got two. I got Best Listener. Margaret got Best Writer and Best Student. Chris Harjes would have gotten the Most Forgetful award, but Mrs. Peach didn't give it out.
Jody is spending the night tomorrow.
Tomorrow is May Day Play Day.